Friday, April 11, 2008

And so it begins...

How in the heck to I do this?

How do I learn to ride a motorcycle after lusting over having my own for as long as I can remember? I've been through the MSF BRC twice, and I have had my M1 license for at least two years. You'd think I was serious, or something.

In terms of actually making an attempt to acquire a new bike, I have had at least three false-starts in the past four years. The first time was just lust. The second time was a good deal, but we didn't have the money. The third time we had the money, the deal was even better, but we decided to buy a house. My wife will probably tell you that I wasn't ready for a motorcycle back then. In retrospect, I might be inclined to agree. This time, we have the house, we have the money, and the deal is incredible!

Fate, at long last, has smile upon us. The time is right:

I won't tell you how much we spent on the bike, but the repair bill from my favorite local motorcycle garage was over $800, and it was still cheaper than anything I've seen in the want adds.

Answer: TBD.

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