Wednesday, May 25, 2011

(I gotta brag)

It's just a quiz, but 30+ years of battling ADD and Dyslexia...

Finally, it seems that

I'm mastering the [mental] tools I need to make it at School.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Sherman St,Santa Clara,United States


Rick said...

Nice work. I can almost follow it, but I don't know ARM asm at all.

That's a recursive factorial function, right?

Nonce said...

Yep! Prof. wanted to be sure we could branch, and then stuff non-scratch records to the stack, and return properly.

Rick said...

Last time we met I was in the middle of a flurry of studying x86 asm, but then I learned that the 64-bit calling convention on OS X is all different (in a good way). Oh, that, and I realized there's basically zero chance I'll be able to beat Xcode's optimizations.

I was trying to make a short snippet of self modifying code that would secure a serial number test, but apparently OS X is pissy about you overwriting the .text section. I don't have a workaround atm.

Then I had a major breakthrough with Cocoa and Cappuccino and decided to go high level for a while and made a basic iPad game for Asher.

It's pretty awesome that NSBezierPath, NSView, a few protocols and NSArchive would let you basically make MacDraw or Illustrator 1.0 in a day. (=

Rick said...